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Tuesday 26 May 2015

Human Resource Management Project on Selection Process

Department of business management science



Title                                                                   Page

Executive Message                                                                        3
Introduction                                                                                5
Selection Process                                                                     6
Ø  Initial Screening                                                                              7
·         Screening Inquires                                                7
·         Screening Interviews                                                         8
Ø  Application Form                                                                            8
Ø  Comprehensive Interview                                                               15
Ø  Employment Test                                                                            15
Ø  Background Investigation                                                               15
Ø  Conditional Job Offers                                                                    16
Ø  Medical/Physical Examination                                                       16
Ø  Job Offer                                                                                         16

Suggestions                                                                                                     17

Questionnaire                                                                                                 18
Reference                                                                                                        19

Executive Message
Amtex has experienced mega growth in the past few years. We owe it to the high degree of professionalism and Dedication that our management team has brought to the company. Our devotion does extend not only to our customers but also to our employees. They are so highly valued That they feel inspired to go out and give us their very best.
Haji Iftikhar-ud-Din
I welcome you on our website and thankful to you for showing interest in our products. Amtex is vertically integrated group of companies. Our product range includes Bed linen, Curtain, Quilted Products, Furnishings, Kitchen Linen and Apparels. Our philosophy is to provide our clients with just one place to satisfy all their diverse and high profile needs, utilizing the most modern and efficient machinery.
Khurram Iftikhar
Chief Executive

The most modern machinery & professionals equipped with latest techniques are ready to serve the needs of our clients in the most efficient manner. The vast range of our products is globally recognized for their quality and innovation. Manufacturing activity is capable of spinning cotton fiber in to yarn, weaving/processing of fabric & the stitching the Apparels and the whole range of home textile products, observing the high quality standards.
Shahzad Iftikhar
Director operations
Over the years Amtex has made its presence felt in every nook and corner of the global market. At Amtex we believe in business relationships based on trust and long term partnership. Satisfaction of our clients is our top priority. We are constantly striving to develop new and better products so that our clients have a competitive edge. Our client support services and product quality are a result of this strategy.  

                 Amtex is one of the leading textile manufacturing groups in Pakistan. It is a vertically integrated group with operations in all sectors of the textile industry from Spinning to Stitching. The annual turnover of the group is around 200 million US dollars. Amtex provides employment opportunities to about 15,000 families. It has a diversified product and market portfolio. Amtex holds a special position in the textile industry in the sense that it provides the largest variety and combination of products to its customers under one roof.
Amtex is leading manufacturer of Home Textile and garments Products. The manufacturing processes are certified on ISO 9001:2000 standards. Amtex is a quality conscious company; it has a well define policy towards quality. This policy is the driving force behind achieving the quality of the products produced in Amtex. Our philosophy is to create a single channel for satisfying diverse and high class needs of our valued partners. We are highly flexible in responding to dynamic needs of our customers. We have a set of truly devoted professionals who focus on their areas of specialties to produce highly valued products. We believe in partnership not only with our customers but also with our employees who have proved to be a key in maintaining the highest level of excellence in our outputs
Selection Process

l  The process of assessing candidates and appointing a post holder to ensure that the most appropriate candidates are hired.
                Validity and Reliability
The proven relationship that exists between a selection device and some relevant job criterion
The ability of a selection device to measure the same thing consistently

1.1.    Screening Interviews 
                        Amtex conducts two interview of which one is informal and is often conducted by colleagues or immediate boss. In first interview they ask questions not related to the job for which he/she has applied. Explain the job and the organization at the beginning of the interview.  

The most common questions are related to

·         Degree
·         Field of interest
·         Future planning
·         Family background
·         Achievements
·         Hobbies
·         Salary expectation
·         Application form

2.        Application Form
Amtex has predescribed application forms that it provides to the applicants passed the initial screening. The application form is signed by applicants who give permission to HR personals to check the reference and information provided in form. 



Job Application Form
Note: Please fill this form (Type) in BLOCK capital, all the questions stating (*) must be answered. If you are applying for Management Trainee Programs then specify the reference number. I take the opportunity to thank you for your interest in Amtex Pvt Ltd.  
Job Information
Job Ref No:                                                   Department:
Job Title:                                                        Application Deadline:
Personal Details
First name:
Last name:
Middle/other name/s:
Email address:
Permanent home address:
Temporary address (e.g. school/university address):
Contact number – (current address):
Contact number – (home address):
Contact number – (work):
Contact number – (cell/mobile):
Answer all Questions:
  1. Some roles at Amtextile require you to be geographically mobile. Are you geographically mobile within the country / province / city?

  1. How did you hear about the position you are applying for? *

  1. Please tell us why you want to join Amtextile and what you believe you have to offer us?

  1. Please tell us the reasons why you have chosen to apply for this opportunity(s).

  1. Details of your Degrees (or similar overseas qualification)

Degree type:
Location of University or educational institute:
  1. Please state your actual or expected degree result:

Start date (mm/yyyy): *
End date (mm/yyyy):*
Name of University or educational institute:
  1. Please briefly summarize your thesis/project. Please include how it has or could be applied in a practical scenario?

  1. Please give details of any scholarships, sponsorships or awards received during this degree. (Maximum 250 words) Use separate sheet.

  1. In which country did you complete your pre-university education? *

List your most recent qualifications first (e.g. BSc, MSc)

Professional Qualifications
  1. Please list any relevant qualifications you hold and the date you were awarded these.

Date awarded (mm/yyyy)

Work Experience
  1. Please briefly describe your roles and notable achievements?

  1. Starting with the most recent, please give details of any work experience, including any internships or placements, work for family businesses, or work experience in voluntary sector. Please state whether each role was full or part time.

(1)  From (mm/yyyy)                        To (mm/yyyy)
Position                                      Employer
Was this role full or part-time?
Roles, Responsibilities and Notable Achievements. (Maximum 150 words)            Use separate sheet.
(2)  From (mm/yyyy)                        To (mm/yyyy)
Position                                      Employer
Was this role full or part-time?
Roles, Responsibilities and Achievements. (Maximum 150 words)
Use separate sheet.
  1. Please list the languages you know and your level of fluency. (Fluent, Conversational, Basic)


Extra-curricular activities
  1. Please list any extra-curricular activities such as clubs, sports, business ventures, societies or professional associations you have been active in and describe your specific involvement e.g. your level of responsibility, length of involvement, notable achievements. Please give association names in full rather than using abbreviations. (Maximum 250 words) *
                        Use separate sheet
Personal learning and development
  1. What have you done to develop your experience/knowledge/skills outside the academic environment? How will what you learned be beneficial to Amtextile? Describe what you did, what you learned and how it has helped you or will help you in future. Please be specific and list no more than three examples.
    (Maximum 250 words) * Use separate sheet

Significant achievement
  1. What do you consider to be your most significant achievement other than your academic results? This should be something which you personally decided to do and worked hard to achieve. Please describe why you see the achievement as significant and any obstacles you had to overcome.
    (Maximum 250 words) * Use separate sheet

Application of knowledge
Business applicants:
  1. At Amtex, we need people to demonstrate strong business acumen – for example by making or saving money, buying or selling goods/services or finding ways to improve performance. Which of your achievements or experiences best illustrates your business acumen? What was the situation? What did you do? What was the outcome? (Maximum 250 words) * Use separate sheet

Additional Information
  1. Is there anything else you wish to tell us that you believe is important to your application? This may include any special circumstances that significantly affected any of your academic achievements. Please note you will not be penalized if you leave this section blank.
    (Maximum 150 words) Use separate sheet

If you give any information which you know is false or you withhold any relevant information, this may lead to your application being rejected or, if you have already been appointed, to your dismissal.
Equal Opportunities
This section is optional, but please notes that this information is collected only for monitoring purposes only. It will not appear on your completed application form. The information you give here will help us to understand whether our recruitment processes are inclusive to all, and whether we are attracting and recruiting from a diverse pool of candidates. All information supplied will be treated in the strictest confidence.
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy):
Do you consider yourself to have disability?
3.        Comprehensive Interview
After completing the application form applicants are called for 2nd interview which is conducted by HR people, GM and Director. The 2nd interviews duration is about 20 minutes.

·         What is the highest level of education you have received?
·         What projects and assignments you have worked on?
·         Ask subject related questions?
·         Have you worked on any job before and what position?
·         What were your responsibilities?
·         What did you like about that job?
·         If you were to work late, can you do that?
·         Why you have chosen Amtex for employment?

4.        Employment Test.
Amtex does take employment tests. If the applicant who has applied for the job in Amtex has past experience of the same job. For example if a person has  applied for manager post and he has been working in other organization for past few years then this step is skiped. For fresh graduats who have applied for middle level job are required to give ique test. The3 top level positions are filed by promoting middle mangers or by hiring persons working in another organization having vaste experience in related field by making a better offer.
            For low level workers there are no tests.

5.        Background Investigation
Amtex perform background investigation of the applicants but of only those seem doubtful. They don’t verify degree’s of applicant but other information provided in application form is verified. HR personals also call the organization’s in which the applicant has worked to come to know their job behavior and the reason for which he has left them. Amtex perform background investigation of only those applicants who have applied for middle and top level positions. Background investigation is performed by HR personals.  
6.        Conditional job offer
 When comprehensive interview and background checking in done the applicant hired on trail bases of which duration is three months. During the trail bases the newly hired employee is trained to work and the performance is measurement. If the newly hired employee performance is up to the standard in trail bases the employee is  provided permanent job offer.

7.        Medical Test
Amtex does not require employees to submit any medical reports.

8.        Permanent Job
After the trial base is completed and the newly hired employees performance is up to mark, the temporary status of newly hired employee is removed and the offer becomes permanent.   

  • Amtex should have permanent HR department.
  • Amtex should arrange work sampling for Labor (Low Level).
  • Amtex should conduct medical tests for all level.
  • Employees hired with employee recommendation should not be hired for the same department in which current employee who recommended the person is working.
  • Amtex should do background checking for top and middle level positions.
  • If there is negligent hiring, Amtex should consider the remaining applicants it will reduce the cost of hiring and will save time also.  

Ø  How do you conduct the initial screening?
Ø  What criteria you use for initial screening?
Ø  Is there any test you use for screening e.g. intelligence test?
Ø  If you conduct screening interviews, do you ask about salaries package?
Ø  Do you prefer English?
Ø  Do you have same application form for all level of jobs?
Ø  What types of employment test you conduct?
Ø  Do you conduct panel interview?
Ø  Do you conduct background investigation?
Ø  By whom you conduct the background investigation?
Ø  Would you like to check legality of all the documents?
Ø  Either you offer conditional job or not?
Ø  Do you select employee via employee referral?
Ø  In case of negligent hiring, what types of actions you take ?
Ø  Do you prefer unsolicited application for selection?
Ø  Do you conduct same test for all the applicant?
Ø  Would you like to prefer employee on cult basis?
Ø  Would you make selection on gender base?

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