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Wednesday 17 June 2015

Pakistan Boutique management system

With the name of Allah Who is the most 
Beneficent & the most Merciful

O Lord opens my eyes
That I can see the glimpsing Blessing sprinkled on us,
And show me the right path,
The path of those who got success here in life
And will be rewarded on

A project on

 Pakistan Boutique

The fashion industry is one line of work that will always be in business. Mainly because all people have a basic for clothing and many an evolving interest in style and fashion trends. Flexibility in establishing your target consumer is also present in retail clothing, as people of all ages, sizes and style preference will always need cloth. If you have a solid background in retail sales and a passion for fashion, you might find lucrative opportunities as a clothing boutique owner. Everything you need to succeed. According to Entrepreneur magazine, clothing boutique owners estimate the cost of starting a clothing store to be anywhere from $30,000 to $250,000.  Forbes reports that $100,000 is generally required to cover remodeling alone.Of course, the actual amount may vary by location, products and individual facility.

Existing System:

Many organization stored data in files on tape or disk. It was managed using existing system. In this system, some important disadvantages of file processing system are as follow
·         Data Redundancy and Inconsistency
·         Data Isolation
·         Program Data Dependency
·         Atomicity Problem
·         Integrity problems
·         Security Problems
·         Program Maintenance

Data Redundancy and Inconsistency:
In file processing system, the same data may be duplicated in several files.
                     Inconsistency means that two files may contain different data of the same student.
Data Isolation:
The data in file processing system is in various files. It becomes very difficult to write new application program to retrieve the appropriate data.

Integrity problems:
 Integrity means reliability and accuracy of data. The stored data must satisfy certain types of consistency constrains.

Program Data Dependency:
                                       Program data dependency is a relationship between data in files required to update and maintain the file.

Atomicity Problem:
                       An operation on data may consist of different steps. A collection of all steps required to complete a process is known as transaction. The atomicity means either one transaction should take place as a whole or it should not take place at all.
Security Problems:
File processing system does not provide adequate security on data. In some situations, it is required to provide different types of access to data for different users.
Program Maintenance:
The programs developed in file processing system are difficult to maintain. Most of the budget may be spent on maintenance. It makes it difficult to develop new application.  

 The proposed system will be faster and more efficient than existing system.
User Friendly:
                    The staff should communicate with the system through simple conversions.
Time factor:
Time is very important factor for decision-making. The higher authorities require better response to their queries.
Data security:
It is necessary to protect data from accidental loss.
In planning a common device for presenting a schedule is the Gant t chart.
Every activity is represented on a Gantt chart horizontal bar that travel across the time
Line represented by x-axis

Preliminary investigation




1                   2                    3                      4                  5

System Development Life Cycle
System development life cycle is a conventional way to develop an information system. It consists of many steps and involves different persons.
The steps of SDLC are as follows:
Preliminary Investigation:
 Preliminary investigation is the first phase of SDLC. Its main objective is to identify the problems and requirement in the user current environment. An important result of the preliminary investigation is whether the system to be developed id feasible or not.
       Feasibility is determined on the following parameters:
·         Whether current technical resources or technology is available in the developer’s organization or in the market that is capable of handling the user requirements.
·         Whether the system is cost effective economically or financially.
·         How effectively the user will operate this software once installed.
Feasibility Study Reports is produced at the end of this phase.
Cause of change:
It may be external or internal cause. Internal cause means cause of change within the organization and external cause of change outside the organization.

Scope of the Problem:
Scope defines the area of work.

Requirements Analysis:
In this phase the current business system is studied in detail to find out how it work and where improvements are required. It includes a detailed study of various operations performed by the system and their relationship within and outside the system the analyst and user work closely during the complete analysis phase. A detailed document is prepared at the end of this phase called requirement specifications.
System Design: 
The requirement analysis phase provides the requirements of the system the next phases to design the new system to satisfy these requirements. The design phase states how a system will meet the requirements identified during system analysis phase as mentioned in the requirement specifications.
Software development:
In this phase actual coding of the program is done program are tested using dummy data. Programmers also prepares the documentations related to program the documentation explains how and why a certain procedure in a specific way.
System Testing:
After the program is tested individually, the system is tested as a whole.
System implementation:
In this phase, the developed system is installed for use. The      following activities are performed before the actual usage of the system:
·         User personnel are trained to operate the system.
·         The data files needed by the system are constructed.

A process of converting complex data structures in to simple and stable data structures is known as normalization. It is based on the Analysis of functional dependency
Functional Dependency:
Functional dependency is a relationship between attributes. It means that if the value of one attribute is known, it is possible to obtain the value of another attribute.
IST Normal Form:
                       A relation R is in first normal form (INF) if and only if all underlying domains contain atomic value only. It means that the relation does not contain any repeating group. A repeating group is a set of one or more data items that may occur a variable number of times in a tuple. Each cell in a relation should contain only one value
Problems in 1NF:
Different types of problems are as follows:
1         Updating Problem2          Inconsistent Data
3          Addition Problems4          Deletion Problem
Updating Problem:
Suppose the user wants to change the name of accountant number 35 “M. Duad
”. He has to name in all record in which Accountant number 35 appears. This process of updating can be very lengthy.
Inconsistent Data:
The above table may contain inconsistent data. There are three record of accountant number 35. It is possible that there are two different names with accountant number 35different records. The user can make this error during updating.
Addition Problems:
Suppose the user wants to add another skill number in the table. It is not possible until an accountant with that skill exist because both skill number and accountant number are used as primary key in the above table.
Deletion Problem:
 Suppose the user wants to delete the record of supervisor Ghfoor if he deletes the whole record in which Ghfoor appears, the information about accountant will also be lost.

Full Functional Dependency:
 In a relation R, attribute B of R is fully functionally  dependent on an attribute or set of  attribute A or R  if B is functionally dependent on A but not functionally dependent on any other proper subset of A.
A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if it is in 1NF and if all of its non-key attributes are fully functionally dependent on the whole key. It means that of non-key attributes are related to a part of key.
Problems in 2NF:
 Different types of problems are as follows:
1.      Updating Problem
2.      Inconsistent Data
3.      Addition Problems
4.      Deletion Problems
Updating Problem:
But In 2NF, the record of an accountant appears only once the updating problem is eliminated in 2NF.
Inconsistent Data:
  The record of one accountant appears only once in the database, the possibility of inconsistent data is automatically eliminated.
Addition problem:
  In 1NF it was not possible to enter a new skill number until an accountant with date skill existed. In 2NF any number of skills can be added in skill relation without an accountant with that skill. It eliminates the addition problem.

Deletion problem:
In 2NF, the record of Ghafoor is deleted it is not delete any other record.

Transitive Dependency:
 Transitive dependency is a condition in which an attribute is dependent on an attribute that is not part of the primary key.

3rdNormal Form:
                                    A relation is in third normal form if it is 2NF and if no non-key attribute is dependent on another non-key attribute. It means that all non-key attributes are functionally dependent only on primary key. There should be no transitive dependency in a relation.

                            User Interface

Table name: Categories

Table name: Purchase Detail

Table name: Purchase Parties

Table name: Sale parties

Table name: Sales Detail

Table name: Stock Item

Table name: Styles

Table name: Switchboard Item


Master Form

Main Form for Reports

Repot Name: lists of items

Report Name: Purchase Parties

Report Name: Purchases

Report Name: Sale Parties

Report Name: Sales

Report Name: Stocks


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